Si su organización sin fines de lucro
Ha identificado una necesidad similar para crear más impacto social a través de la tecnología y los datos. Explore nuestra […]
Ha identificado una necesidad similar para crear más impacto social a través de la tecnología y los datos. Explore nuestra […]
Que alejarnos de esta forma obsoleta de rastrear aplicaciones y administrar los servicios de todos . Por ejemplo, pasé cuatro
Compartido y automatizado que agiliza las solicitudes tanto para las instituciones como para los jóvenes que buscan vivienda . Las
Access to public information, in compliance with the constitutional principle of publicity (art. 37 of the Federal Constitution/88) is reinforced
The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) imposes strict requirements on the protection of personal data, and the responsibility only increases
The National Data Protection Authority (ANPD)’s call for proposals on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Personal Data Protection aims to gather
In recent times, data protection has experienced a certain “low” in terms of academic and institutional interest. Books continue to
Creating a Personal Data Processing Policy may seem like a technical and legal challenge, but in reality, it is a
More than a legally guaranteed right, privacy is an essential value in a data-driven world. As technologies such as big
The two judgments, REsp No. 2147374/SP and AREsp No. 2130619/SP – which are not technically “precedents”, and this distinction from
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