Job Function Email Database

6 Tips for Crafting Effective B2B Email Newsletters

Email is the preferred communication channel for the majority of people working in B2B. And based on a benchmark report, the CTR of B2B emails is 52% higher than that of B2C emails. Open rate and click-through rate are the most popular ways to measure engagement in email marketing. With CTR, you can see the percentage of recipients who clicked through to your website, whereas email open rate is more about the performance of your email subject line. Another more recent trend is to track the percentage of recipients who clicked through to your website after opening your email. This is called click-to-open rate (CTOR). It has become the preferred engagement metric as it measures clicks from those who actually opened the email. If you want to evaluate the effectiveness of your email content.

You should look at your CTOR When it comes

To crafting effective email newsletters for B2B, keep in mind that the only way for them to bring value to your business is if the newsletter brings value to those who receive it. Especially due to the impact of the on-going pandemic, direct sales and promotions are not so welcome at the moment. But unlike newsletters for B2C which focus on conversion-driven marketing and Job Function Email Database  involve promotions and persuasive copy, B2B newsletters should be geared more towards branding and nurturing your client relationships. So, take a moment to evaluate your newsletter objectives. Do you want to: establish regular touchpoints with past and existing clients as well as new prospects; activate your client base, for example, through bonuses and motivational contests.

Build rapport with your Clients And Keep Them

Job Function Email Database

Updated on the latest product news; or improve your brand image and authority through industry research, for example. Once you have set your goals, you can leverage these best practices for B2B newsletters: Use storytelling To have the desired impact, your newsletter must resonate with your audience. This is where the power of storytelling comes into CRYP Email List play. Captivating stories deliver your brand message more effectively because they appeal to your audience emotionally. Most purchase decisions, even in B2B, are far from being entirely rational.  And businesses consist of people, which makes B2B purchases subject to the same hidden emotional drivers we see on the consumer side.

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