The most common challenges when preparing data for work and typical errors when verifying values.
make mistakes, which affect the results in the report.
Together with the lecturer of the course “Excel in business use” , Grzegorz Jabłoński, who is a Reporting Technology Specialist at Heineken kuwait mobile phone numbers database we described 5 tricks that make work easier at the beginning of the adventure with this tool. We also draw attention to the most common challenges in preparing data for work and typical errors in verifying values.
#1. Delete a row in a table
It happens that several tables are created in one sheet, e.g. with additional information or comments. When there is a need to delete one of the rows of the main table, it may turn out that we accidentally get rid of everything on the entire length of the sheet. It is not surprising that Excel understands the Delete row command in this way . In this way, we can lose data that is not even visible on the screen. And in the worst case scenario, it may turn out that even Ctrl+Z will not help, because we will realize the error after some time.
In such a situation, the Delete option comes in handy … Instead of selecting the entire row and deleting it, we only indicate the part we want to get rid of, use the right mouse button and click the Delete option… A mini-window then appears and, without going into details, we press OK.
This procedure will cause Excel to Excel Tricks delete only the part of the row that we have selected and at the same time raise all the cells from the bottom by one notch. As a result, we will have the illusion that Excel has deleted the entire row, but our table will not have any empty space. However, most importantly, nothing that should not be gone will be deleted.
#2. Quickly move Excel Tricks around the table
This is one of the most helpful shortcuts when email marketing: learn how to make good use of this tool working with larger data sets. The Ctrl+Arrow shortcut allows us to:
- moving from top to bottom and back again, but only within cells with data;
- moving from left to right and back, also only within cells with data.
Without knowing this trick, we would actually have two options to get to the last row of data:
- use the scroll bar to see how big the table is;
- hold down arrow.
The Ctrl+Down Arrow keyboard shortcut will automatically take you to the cell with data in the last row . And by pressing Ctrl+Up Arrow, you will instantly return to the first cell at the very top. Similarly,
you can move around the table to the right and left.
Holding down the Shift key will cause Excel to go hong kong phone number to the last cell in the range and select all the items it passes along the way. This is especially useful when you want to copy or select an entire row or column of data.
The first trick, which is deleting a row from a table, can be combined with the second trick, which is quickly moving around the table. Let’s imagine Excel Tricks that we have a very wide table and we want to delete not the entire row, but only a part of the table from one of the rows. Using the Ctrl+Shift+Arrow shortcut, we select the entire row and use the Delete option… This will get rid of only the selected part of the table. When working with data that is in more than 100,000 rows, such tricks greatly improve and speed up the work.