Web Design Naples. Design your responsive website

Web design is the starting point of any advertising investment in the digital world: if you have decided to launch into web marketing to acquire new customers for your physical or virtual store,  the first thing you need to do is have a website.

We talked about it in depth  here.

Web design is essential when it comes to creating websites, because  without design your site would not only not be able to represent you and communicate your company’s values ​​to your customers, but it would not even be able to exist!

Let’s find out together what web design is and why it is so important that you turn to a web designer to design your website.

Web Design: Definition

Web design is the planning of a website  which also includes the technical development phases.

In short, a web designer is not only responsible for designing the look and feel of your website and its individual pages, but is also responsible for its functioning in terms of:

  • accessibility from various browsers
  • navigability from different devices
  • user interface usability

All this without neglecting the Design your responsive importance of the visual, that is, the visual impact of the site that must be captivating to “seduce” the user and push him to stay on the site and deepen his knowledge with your company.

Visual Design and Web Design: The Differences

Many clients often confuse web design with visual design: in reality, they are  two different, yet similar, fields  , just as the germany phone number list professional figures who deal with them are different, yet often overlapping.

Visual  design  is the branch of industrial design that deals with the graphic creation of products and content intended for both online and offline use.  Web design,  on the other hand, specifically refers to the design of the structure of a website.

What does a visual designer do?

A visual designer is a professional in the graphics field  who deals with the design of graphic products: in the communications and marketing field, a visual desiger or graphic designer  deals with the creation of all those products for editorial graphics, offline and also online,  such as:

His work tools are Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and other tools from the Adobe suite.

A visual designer can also be a web designer, but it is important to know that these are two different professional figures.

Visual and Web Design: Why You Need Both

If you have decided to  start an online business,  it is essential to contact a web agency that has both of these professional figures or a professional figure with both of these skills.

What is Visual Design?

Visual design is in fact essential for kris bents director clinical applications designing your visual identity, building your brand and creating the coordinated graphics that are the basis of your corporate communication.

Logo, font, color palette, are all aspects that define your  visual identity,  that speak about you and your company and that are essential to launch yourself on the market and aim to position yourself in a niche.

A visual designer helps you build your visual identity in the best possible way: it is a job that you cannot think of doing alone, because visual communication has rules that you must know and respect.

From this point of view,  visual design is the right arm of marketing.

What is Web Design?

Similarly,  web design is indispensable to web marketing:  the web designer, working in concert with the web master and the agent email list marketers, will help you to “transfer” the visual identity created by the visual designer to the web, in Design your responsive the most effective way possible and taking into account the different communication needs as well as the requirements imposed by the web platform.

The web designer will design your website taking into account your visual identity, helping you together with the copywriter to  tell your story and tell your company to your potential customers,  in order to define your personality and make you have an immediate impact on your audience.

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