Phone Number List

Explaining How You Have Organized The Site

Website Designers know they need to pay attention to the valuable (and variable) aspects of human-computer interaction, but how does it benefit businesses to consider the user experience? 

From a practical standpoint, businesses want their website to be their 24/7 sales force. Sites should quickly convey who they are, what they offer, why they are the best choice, and then inspire action. Is your call to action (CTA) clear? Is it the right CTA concerning the user’s stage in the buying cycle? All these items must be considered when designing or refreshing your site. Or your website simply won’t earn its keep because it’s not customer-centric.

UI is a subset of UX. The interface of a website directly affects the experience you have. If the navigation is confusing, the buttons are hard to find, or the information is presented inconsistently, the user will have difficulty with the website’s interface. This creates a poor overall web experience.

How about User Interface

Unless you’re already a rock phone number list star in your industry, there may be folks who aren’t familiar with your business name… yet. So make sure it’s clear who you are by showing your company name front and center.

Below your company name, consider a site description or tagline to explain the purpose of your site quickly and succinctly. Long-winded explanations need not apply. Rather, it’s a few words letting visitors know what you do, confirming they landed in the right place and staying awhile to check you out.

4. Don’t Get Lost

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To get to the main sections of your website, a user will navigate using primary navigation buttons. It’s top-level, explaining how you have organized the site. You may also have secondary navigation as a way to sift through sub-pages.

Having both types of navigation appear globally on the site makes it easier for your visitor to jump to areas of greatest interest. When they do land on a sub-page, having the primary navigation area clearly marked helps them see their current location while poking around.

Be consistent with how your site is structured so visitors can easily browse. Don’t forget the utilities (Privacy Policy, Careers) on your site that aren’t necessarily connected to your content, and they CRYP Email List don’t crowd your primary navigation. Think of a hotel conference center. The directional signs for meeting rooms, business centers, and elevators are consistent. Subtle signs don’t direct traffic efficiently and are just plain annoying. The same holds true for a website.


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