Five SEO Best Practices for Black Friday and the Holiday Season

The world’s biggest shopping season, from Black Friday to Christmas, is upon us. Looking to increase your holiday sales? It is best to plan ahead, but you can also implement one of the SEO recommendations at the last minute.

In this article, we’ll look at some SEO tips to help you get through the holiday season and plan for the next one.

Create special landing pages for Black Friday 

To increase your visibility in Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday searches, it’s a good idea to create a landing page ddicat to seasonal discounts. To find the best deals, users will often search for keyword combinations that include [brand name] or , as well as the words: deals, discounts, or promotions.

Using historical Google Trends results, you can find out what choices are popular in certain product categories. If the plan is to offer discounts on Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday, it may be worth having a separate page for each product or service.

If possible, it’s best to start planning the creation of these landing pages and their content as early as possible, reminds phone number library .

Then, while those pages are actually live

phone number library

Insert a 302 rdirect (a temporary reirect, not a permanent 301 rdirect). This will give you plenty of time to prepare your pages for Christmas consumers and get your website thoroughly checke by Google .

Even better, you could create a “mini site” with Black Friday/Christmas themd pages that can be hidden from visitors until the holiday season approaches.

Once the pages are creatd, they should be add to the XML sitemap and navigation. Remember, the purpose of creating these new landing pages is to generate traffic from searches relatd to discounts and Christmas.

However, make sure that crypemail list repeat visitors can see the updatd pages to take advantage of your holiday offers. By adding the new pages to your sitemap, you will ensure that you create a map that allows browsers to quickly find and index them.

By following these two steps

You will increase the visibility of your new holiday landing pages to both visitors and search engine crawlers.

Remember, holiday-relatd URLs on your site are not temporary. That is why it is important that these pages are relevant for as  bgb directory long as possible, reminds Mārtiņš Tirzītis, a specialist of the digital marketing agency “FCR Digital”.

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