New trends in SEO promotion

For a long time now, Google and Yandex search algorithms have been changing towards a more in-depth content assessment. Moreover, a large number of keywords no longer leads to an increase in the site’s rating. Of course, now we will tell you about new trends in SEO promotion.

Knowledge Graph

Now, when doing SEO promotion, first of all exit telephone number data you need to pay attention to the structuring of data and additional information. Search engines strive to answer a request as quickly as possible, choosing answers that contain comprehensive information so that the user only needs to open a single page. Preference is certainly given to sites with secondary information, images and links. We are talking about Google’s system called Knowledge Graph (Knowledge Network.

It involves the inclusion of widely sought

exit telephone number data

After facts related to the main content of the site in the information. For example, a page dedicated to ordering sushi can (and should, if you are interested in the result) contain a description of this dish, its ingredients, maybe the history of the dish itself and its victorious march around the world.

Useful tips in SEO promotion:

All information posted must how much does it cost importance of business planning to not plan? be formatted. The page must have markup that allows search engines to adequately perceive the information. You can structure the data using free tools such as or Structured Data Markup Helper. This operation is within the power of any Internet user, and each website owner can decide for himself what is preferable: to entrust this to specialists, switching his time to business development, or to sweat it out himself.

If earlier it was important for SEO

promotion to make the content precise benin lists now the content should contain comprehensive information on the topic, fully disclose it. It is necessary to use all special terms, indicate sources of information. The presence of subheadings is very desirable, but they should not include keywords. Of course, relevance is still important.

The user’s location, the device from which

The request is made, and the history of requests become important. The search engine’s algorithm is developed taking into account that PCs, laptops, and mobile devices are usually used differently, which again leads to the importance of having wide, high-quality content.

The fight against paid clicks is intensifying. Attention is now being paid to the number of bounces and the time spent on the site. And the reaction of social network users is taken into account when ranking a page.

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