Two types of lists can appear as featured snippets

However, this doesn’t change the fact that other types are just as valuable and, when used correctly, can yield great results. That said, aside from paragraphs, featured snippets can also appear as:

Ordered lists

ordered and unordered. The former are lists in specific database by industry numerical order, while the latter are simply bullet points. They typically appear for “how to” or “what” questions that can’t be answered in a short paragraph and must be answered in the form of a step-by-step instruction or a list of items.

YouTube or video clips

Videos can appear in search results in two ways. One is a suggested clip, which Google defines as a featured snippet. The other is rich results (discussed below).

Video snippets often appear for “How To” search phone database queries, especially if the video title matches the user’s search. Additionally, video snippets are displayed with a timestamp that will start at a specific point in the video.

Rich results

Google defines rich results as “enhanced results non-optimized robots.txt file in Google Search with additional visual or interactive features.” While some continue to debate whether rich results qualify as featured snippets, the bottom line is that they typically result in a higher click-through rate than other types of organic search results. Rich results go beyond the simple blue link and can include carousels, images, or other non-text elements.

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