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How Much Traffic Does a Website Get Best Ways to Discover

Ask anyone who has a business website what their goals are, and you’ll likely get an answer that includes more website visitors.

While there are tons of metrics you’ll want to follow regarding the growth of your site, the truth is that most people hinge success or failure on the number of people who see their page each month.


How ot Check How Much Traffic Your Website Gets

When it comes to learning how much traffic a website is getting, the process really comes down to whether it is your website or owned by someone else.
For your page, Ws Data there are three main ways you can track visitor stats — through tools, plugins, or just by checking Google Analytics directly.
1. Traffic Estimation Tools
Usually, you can get the information that you need through one of the many traffic estimation tools out there.
Some are free and offer just basic information, while others like Ahrefs are a lot more robust.
The best part about many of them is that they allow the option to export reports, customize views, and more.
Plus, they often make it easier to see not only the actual traffic amount but where it is coming from.
In many cases, this can be super handy for things like campaign tracking or seeing how many repeat visitors you get from a specific source.
2. Use a WordPress Plugin
Another Option is to Use a WordPress Plugin on. Your Website That Calculates the Number of Visitors. To Your Page and Where They’re Coming From.
Much like the traffic estimation tools route, this option compiles metrics and brings them together in a manner that makes it easy to tell traffic levels.

Should You Check Your Competitors’ Website Traffic


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Now, at this point, you’re probably wondering about checking a competitor’s website.

Is it ethical or even legal?

The answer to both questions is yes. And companies do this all the time.

Why? Determining Cryp Email List traffic levels for big players in your industry is a good way to gauge the health of the niche in terms of search.

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