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Ranking Dropped Dramatically Here’s What to Check

It can be alarming if your website’s Google rankings drop suddenly. But before you make any changes, it’s important to check certain things first. 1. Check for any Google algorithm updates Google’s algorithm updates are among the most common ways your website’s rankings can be negatively impacted. Google doesn’t like low-quality or misleading results appearing at the top of its organic search results. Ranking Dropped so it runs regular algorithm updates to preserve the quality of its search index. Updates are announced on Google’s status page.

So it’s worth checking

If any dates align with your website’s ranking drops. Once you’ve established there’s been a Google update. You’ll need to check its date against your total organic traffic. To see if there’s been executive email list a drop at the same time. To check your organic traffic in Site Explorer, you can: Plug in your domain and scroll down to the Overview 2.0 chart. Uncheck everything apart from “Avg. organic traffic.” Set the timeline to “All” and “Weekly.” This helps you to see the complete timeline for the organic traffic, giving you a better idea of how significant the drop is. It may have contributed to the loss of traffic, but we can also see that the exact date of the organic traffic drop doesn’t align with the release of this update.

Ranking Dropped can’t say

That this algorithm update caused the drop. In this situation, it’s usually best to keep investigating. If your website’s organic traffic drop does align exactly with an update, then CRYP Email List a Google update has likely impacted you. 3. Check your top traffic-driving keywords Once you’ve established a significant drop in organic traffic, you’ll want to know which of your website’s keywords have lost rankings. To do this, head to the Organic keywords report in Site Explorer. I like to compare keywords year on year (YoY), so let’s add a YoY “Compare” filter.

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