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Present the benefits of cooperation with your company, show what a day at work looks like, show off how you care for your employees. It attracts candidates! Be active on social meia profiles and forums, cooperate with career offices at universities and look for other ways to communicate with potential candidates. This will certainly bring benefits. Advice Commplace work opinions – the atmosphere at work is also important The atmosphere in the workplace is as important as a competitive salary, a logical incentive system or a clear scope of duties.

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Today’s market places great demands on employers. Companies that want to attract and receive outstanding employees must take care of every element that builds its image. The atmosphere in the workplace is undoubtely one of the most important aspects affecting the opinions of employees. Employees want to feel good in the database company. Working under constant pressure, constant conflicts, unfair treatment, or poor communication in a group, both between employees and between employers and employees, can effectively make life difficult for employees and make it difficult for them to work efficiently. A bad atmosphere at work is not conducive to productivity and creativity.


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On the contrary. It can negatively affect the well-being of employees, lower their motivation to act.  And in the worst case lead to professional burnout. Poor atmosphere in the company often forces employees to look for a new job. If you do not Cryp Email List want to lose your best employees, create a friendly workplace where mutual respect, positive aura and good mood will rule. What do we think about a good atmosphere at work? Commplace tips jobs opinions: cultivate kindness, fight unhealthy competition, be loyal and instill loyalty in your employees, focus on efficient communication, support, appreciate and promote the idea of ​​cooperation. How to do it in practice?  How to improve the atmosphere at work.

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