C Level Executive List

Flowchart, Tips dan Cara Praktis Membuatnya

Explaining a certain action flow will be difficult when we only explain it in the abstract, alias without any graphic guidelines that guide it. Flowchart (flow chart) is a solution to explain in a light way about the flow starting from an action, activity, to a program. Regarding this, of course you have to understand first what a flowchart is.

Okay, let’s look at some tips that might be useful for you. If you find other tips on designing flowcharts, come on, share your tips in the comments column, okay!

Be sure to have an idea of the flow of the feature or application.
Writing a Note

Like a plan to go on a trip abroad

When designing a flowchart, we must understand the specifications and flow of the features or applications to be designed in depth.

This understanding is useful in determining the image or visualization of the symbols to be used along with the direction of the flow written in VP Design Officers Email Lists the form of a diagram. Various kinds of data variables used, the processes that occur, and the expected results must be understood when you want to make a flowchart.

When you already know this, in designing a flowchart, make sure not to get off track. The goal is that the time spent making flowcharts can be more effective and efficient.

Let’s take an example in the case

C Level Executive List


Of a simple user account login. If we examine CRYP Email List the variables, processes, and outputs produced, they can be broken down as follows.

Input variables: email and password.
Process and output
The user enters his e-mail and password.
The system will check whether the user with the email has been registered or not.
If not, display a description that has not been registered and stop here.
If so, proceed to the next process.
Then check the user account with the email and password that is owned, appropriate or not.

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