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Manage Serverless Code with Serverless Framework

n the graph above, you can see that serverless has skyrocketed since the end of 2015. What happened during that time, huh? As it turns out, on November 13, 2014, AWS has just released a product called AWS Lambda. This was one of the milestones in the term serverless before it became popular. After AWS, many other cloud service providers released similar technologies, and serverless is becoming more and more popular.

So, what exactly is serverless ? Actually, the term serverless is just a word that is currently in vogue. He is not a pattern, nor technology or architecture. He simply represents a wide range of solutions in building application infrastructure in the cloud . There are several characteristics for a service to be called serverless from the user’s perspective.

The server is no longer the focus

This means that all server matters are no longer managed by the user, but by the service provider. In fact, users have no access or control over the infrastructure behind it.
Scaling is no longer a focus. Serverless services must be able to adjust capacity behind the scenes without control from the user. Service providers VP Business Development Email List must be able to increase or decrease capacity according to the incoming workload.
Pay only when used. This means that users don’t have to pay if there’s no incoming workload. Users do not need to pay when they are not in use ( idle ).
No administration. The user really doesn’t have to think about anything else except the application code. That way, users can focus more on developing their business.

The Evolution of the Cloud Infrastructure
Many people see serverless as a new evolution in cloud computing , and I agree with that view. To understand this, let’s take a look at the history of infrastructure development in the cloud .

On-premise This cannot yet be categorized

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As a cloud computing technology because the user is responsible for all aspects of building the application infrastructure, such as hardware, security, maintenance, software updates, networking, and virtualization. On-premise was the only solution available before cloud computing .
Infrastructure as a Service (2006) In 2006, Amazon CRYP Email List and other cloud service providers launched the Infrastructure as a Service service . With this service, most aspects of the application infrastructure can be handled by the cloud service provider . We no longer need to worry about hardware, security, virtualization and networking, but we still have to think about software installation, operating system management, scalability and so on.
Container as a Service (2013) Cloud computing services continue to grow. Around 2013, the Container as a Service service emerged which brought new simplifications in infrastructure management in the cloud . By leveraging containers, we can package all our application needs and run them in a container management environment , such as Kubernetes. However, this does not mean that we are completely free from infrastructure responsibilities. Instead, we need to manage images and Docker containers .
Benefits of Serverless
Serverless brings many benefits to users, here are some of them.

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