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The Long Tail Theory and Marketing: Your Keywords Research Needs It

Before being  in 2006, Anderson’s Long Tail Theory  as an article in  in October 2004 , quickly becoming the most  article ever  by the journal. The resonance of this theory is  in the blog “  ”, where the contribution of comments and user experience will beco

me useful material for the realization of the book.

To explain what the long tail theory is, it is essential to evaluate

the context in which it fits. In fact, it is linked to two concepts: The Colombia Mobile Number List economy of abundance and the new efficiency in the distribution, production and marketing of the digital age.

In the new panorama  by both phenomena,

there is a break with the one-size-fits-all habit. In the 20th century economy , marketing strategies were  at identifying every single product that  the taste of a large segment of consumers . In short, the cultural industries aspired to produce hits,  by definition for mass consumption. Today the public moves elsewhere: thanks to the internet and as a result of the increase in social complexity, niches proliferate and the alternatives that hold our attention grow. The long tail explains this shift in consumer attention in economic terms, through a graph that integrates the sales of hits with those of niche products.

From a technical point of view , on the left side of the diagram, the head, the sales  with the hits appear; on the right side, the queue, they are associated with niche musical products. The fundamental characteristic of the Cryp Email List graph is that the queue extends virtually indefinitely, generating a considerable amount of overall sales. The long tail is just one part of a statistical distribution, that part of the distribution associated with a lower frequency.

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  1. that being asymptotic, the curve never reaches zero.
  2. there are a myriad of  non-hits  that would be negligible individually, but the sum of their sales becomes significant instead .

But let’s move on to a little history , where does Anderson’s intuition for the creation of this theory come from? In 1897 Vilfredo Pareto  that in England the distribution of wealth was unequal: about 20% of the population held 80% of the total wealth of the country. 

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