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The Dark Side of Consumption for Responsible Consumption How much do you know

First we are consumers!  More than students, workers, young, old, we are consumers. Let’s think of any activity that we carry out every day: we need goods or services to carry it out and these goods necessarily presuppose a purchase activity! Just start with a simple breakfast: milk, biscuits, coffee, mocha and so on and so forth. We are consumers even when we Brazil Mobile Number List don’t think we are : when we recommend a book to a friend, when we choose to go to the cinema instead of staying at home.

It is important to understand that the

goods and services we choose to use mainly serve to define and transmit our identity . In addition to satisfying needs, these products help clarify to ourselves and to others what kind of people we are or want to become. We are practically slaves, in the modern consumer society, to products, without which we feel lost!

However, we want to highlight the main negative

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aspects of consumption , aspects that we are often unaware of suffering on ourselves. Let’s start from individually or socially dangerous behaviors : smoking, drug use, eating disorders are part of the broad sphere of consumption which constitute activities that the individual puts in place endangering his own health and that of the others.

A second negative aspect of consumption is by the consumption of people: young people, women and children are too often the object of consumption. Their lives are literally used by other individuals: prostitution, the Cryp Email List illegal trade in organs, pornography, war and other forms of exploitation show us that some of us want something so much that we are willing to trample on the lives of others, especially those in need, have no choice. Last but not least, there are the negative effects of marketing and mass communication: commercial and advertising practices significantly modify the behavior of individuals with often negative results for health or social coexistence. It seems impossible not to link bulimia or anorexia to the progressive diffusion of models of thin and successful women by the fashion and advertising industries.

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